Moms' Only...Dressing Up

Moms' Only...Dressing Up

This week we got back from vacation and had not one, but two sickish kiddos.  WW went to the first day of summer camp then completely melted down and refused to go back.

I decided that between him not feeling well and the fact that I already have BB home this summer because she's super head strong and refuses to potty train, it wasn't worth an argument and fight.  So, what was supposed to be the summer of MAMA where I got to work, and spend a tiny bit of time on me has turned into me attempting to be the crafty summer mom.  (I am NOT the crafty summer mom... I'm drowning a little not gonna lie.)

K got some bad news this week as well and we've been supporting her long distance to the best of our abilities.  I'm super thankful she has a great hubs and that he doesn't mind getting random texts from me checking on their whole family.  

Needless to say, I think it might be even more important for us to get away sometime soon...Just K, A, and myself... 


If we were dressing up to go out to dinner, what would everyone wear?  I love these choices (If I do say so myself), I think all three looks are classy with a bit of our personalities thrown in!  


Let's start with K. 

Ummm this picture is fabulous... you see this is at a mutual friend's wedding where K brought her now husband as her date and another one of our friends told her she'd better test drive that merchandise... (And from that day on, Mr. K was a part of our little family)

K and I at a mutual friend's wedding pre-kids

I'm not sure I can ever explain how awesome she is and how blessed I am to call her my sister.  K is hardworking, thoughtful, caring, kind and knows just what to say to help me feel better.  I remember the day we were printing addresses on envelopes for my wedding invitations at my mom's house in NY... They kept coming out crooked and I was in full blown panic.  Joel and my mom were at a loss with me - to the point where they were actually laughing at how over dramatic I was being about it.   K magically happened to call at just the right moment.  After about a 15 min convo, I was back at printing envelops with a smile on my face feeling fabulous.  Joel's only comment -"well if we know that was how to fix this mood we would have had you call her an hour ago..."


When we go out, she's always classy and stylish and I am always in admiration of her style and confidence.  When putting together a look for her, I went with a mini dress - This is the Tie Neck Flounce Sleeve Mini Dress.  I think K always looks amazing in pinks and greens and yellows- she's the only blonde I know who can pull off yellow.  The sun never sets on a Bad Azz so she'll have her sunnies with her and a bag that will probably hold my items as well.  Her jewelry will always be understated but also fabulous all the same time, so I think these two carat moissanite Green Earings and the lab created emerald pendant would work perfectly with this ensemble!  


Tie Neck Mini Dress ($37)


Handbag ($48) 

Earrings ($198) 

Pendant ($132)

K would rock this look.  She'd look confident and hot and ready for a fun dinner.  


Oh A.  A is my heart. Where K is so good with helping me and my brain and my anxiety, A deals with matters of the heart and faith.  From saying "Katie do NOT mess this up.  Do not sabotage a good thing!!" when I told her about a good latino catholic guy I was going to meet at a Starbucks in NYC, to deep conversations about our faith and the mystic parts of our faith that fascinate us both, A knows how to kick my bootie into gear and get me moving on matters of the heart and faith.  I love it and I'm so blessed to have her as WW's Godmother.  

I have no idea what we were doing here... I'm sure K knows.  This might have been attempting to put her shoes on in this insanely heavy dress.  The funny story here is she organized a makeup artist for all of her bridesmaids... we got up at the crack of dawn to go get our makeup done and by the time we got back to the hotel (each holding our own 4 pack of baby champaign and a straw) my mother laughed at K and I and said (and I quote): "oh my.... y'all better wash that off and start over... maybe leave the eye make up?" A had great intentions... I know she did.  We didn't tell her anything about this until much much MUCH later.  There's a photo of our after makeup somewhere, but I'm not sharing it LOL!


A's an organist, so if she has a choice, pants are usually her "go to" so when I saw this set, I couldn't resit and thought it would be perfect for her for a night out!  


I adore this set the flower print, the top section, the fact that it's a JUMPSUIT, the whole thing is just *chef's kiss*. A classic handbag for her and classic jewelry complete her look with a just the right amount of shimmer.


Jumpsuit ($30)

Handbag ($44) 

Ring ($236)

Pendant ($107)


Now me...  Well, I'm going to need an edge to a style.  I need something that's a bit more hippie meets rocker meets mom.  And I love that WWBB&Co can be a shop for all beauties with all different style choices.

I'm going with the midi cargo skirt, a graphic tee (but dress it up a bit and make it a halter) my current ring obsession and a fun arm stack.  If I manage to carry a bag, it would be something like this one- but let's be honest, with the pockets on that skirt?  I'm probably using one for my phone, and one for my ID and card. LOL 

I love dressing up, but I much prefer to be wearing something that fits my unique personality and I'm grateful to be able to do that with the clothing and accessories found at WWBB&Co

Tee Shirt - ($25)

Skirt - ($39) 

Ring - ($151)

The Bracelet set I chose above is out of stock... I'd sub for something like THIS   Or check out our PREORDER for The Sis Kiss with great options for layering bracelets and necklaces

I'm so grateful to these two women.  

How did God know I needed these two to do life with?  I'm not sure but I'll be forever and ever grateful to him for the both of them.

Soulmates aren't just romantic connections.  At least not in my opinion.  I read a book (ok so listened- audiobooks are a mama's best friend) recently that refers to certain pairs of friends as "Nebula Allies" and the description for nebula allies really fits the three of us- these are friends who seem to understand each other almost from the first point of contact, someone who makes the other's energy soar and always seeks the best for them in life.  Nebula Allies are the deepest kinds of friends anyone can have.  So my Nebula Allies, K and A are a gift from God to me and my family.  Our bond can't be broken and our love for each other grows despite distance and time. 


Thanks for hanging out with us as we explored style options for a Moms' Only Trip!  Hopefully we get to take this trip in real life sometime soon! 


Stay tuned for more style stories and next week's blog is going to discuss the benefits of 925 Silver!! 


Love to all my Beauties,


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