Moms’ Only Trip…

Moms’ Only Trip…

Out of state best friends. Ugh it is NOT easy right? But when you get to see each other and your kids hang out with each other and love just flows all over I don’t know if there’s a better feeling.

I got to see one of my very best of friends this week. There’s actually three of us-we’ve been friends since our undergrad freshman year (north of 20 years ago 😳😳). We’ll use initials story purposes (A,K, and me!!)  The boyfriends came and went, the heartbreaks and the new loves and the life experiences- we did them all together and then we added husbands to the mix. We are eternally blessed with husbands who genuinely like each other and all of our kiddos love each other too- it’s amazing and we know we are overly blessed.  This weekend two out of the three families were able to all be in the same place at the same time for a while and I got two days filled with the most joy and love and genuine fun we’ve had in a long time. We fall into step together and become a little village of two moms and two dads who genuinely love each other and love being around each other paired with three kiddos who understand each other in a way I’ve never witnessed… I’ve experienced it- my best friends and I are the exact same-We are a unit regardless of the miles separating us.

Oh man… this blog has quickly moved from its intended purpose to an homage to our ridiculously amazing kids… let’s get back on track.

There was a reason for the backstory- we are desperately trying to plan a moms’ weekend away. We’ve been trying for close to two years now. We keep talking about it and not ever making it happen. Christmas came and we all three agreed no gifts for the kids- we were going to save the money so all the families could get together, but we still desperately need a weekend with just us three ladies- our husbands know this AND want to plan it for us! Which, long story short, leads to the reason for the blog today!!!

Let’s plan some clothing for a Lady’s weekend away!! Where to? Eh, who knows?!?  What I do know is that  I want somewhere that I’ll need at least one “out on the town” look, a swim look, a daytime look, a loungewear look, and maybe one dressier occasion. 

So let’s start with Lounge Wear this week and call this part one of 4 - Ish…. 

A little about us: 

Found this gem from A’s wedding

And here’s a more recent shot of us at my baby shower for WW:

I’m the one in the middle… but what you can’t see is I’m standing on the steps… they aren’t.. #shortgirlprobs


Three totally different body shapes and styles and we can all find things we LOVE at WWBB&Co!



The three of us would happily sit in pjs all day long sipping our hot caffeinated beverages of choice while reading a book or playing card games together. 

If I were “styling” each of us in a lounge look, A would need pants and possibly layers… with a blanket or 5 just in case the sweatshirt pants, and first blanket weren’t enough…

For A I’d look at something like this:

For K I can clearly see her wearing something like this:

 She has legs practically to her chest so you know she looks amazing in anything like this! 

As for me? Well I hate being hot. Like hate it. I’d rather freeze and need 4 blankets than to ever be even slightly hot! So this would be perfect for me:

Now, while all three of us would be just fine in our lounge look for 3 days straight, we do know how to have a good time! Stay tuned for our going out looks and our swim looks! 💕💕

Love to all y’all Beauties 💕

Don’t forget to share ideas on where we should go!

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